version for visually impaired
Editorial Board
Peer review
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Aims and Scope
version for visually impaired
of National academy
of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Agricultural Sciences
Eskaraev М.А., Dauilbai A.D., Abildaeva R.A.
Meat productivity in different pairs of generations of South Kazakhstan merino kuyik breed of sheep 5-9
Raushanova A.Sh., Iskendirova R.A
Fungai diseases of soy in the South-East of Kazakhstan 10-14
Troshina T.T.
The structure and ecological state of zooplankton of littoral zone of the lake Alakol in spring-summer 2013 15-19
Yelshibekova A.M., Sansyzbayev Y.T.
Fish fauna of small mountain reservoirs of the Alakol area (lake Zhasylkol and reservoir Abzhanov) 20-24
Zhatkanbayev A.Zh.
Extraordinary unusual early beginning of reproductive cycle by Turkestan Ground-jay Ile subspecies (Podoces panderi ilensis) in Southern Balqash desert valley - adaptive response of only one endemic bird creature among whole Qazaqstan avifauna onto changing weather-climatic conditions (Part II) 25-47
Shildebaev J.B., YermekbayevaA.T.
Biology of snakes of Kazakhstan 48-53
Baizhumanova S.S., Sibanbayeva B.N., Chirkin A.P., Ismagulova G.A.
Genetic analysis of commercial wheat varieties to septoriosis 54-60
Baitulin I.O., Uteulin K.R.
Recommendations for agriculture methods of growing natural producer of rubber - Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin 61-68
Abdimutalip N.A., Toychibekova G.B., Abdraimova К.Т., Duysebekova A.M.
RDifferent utilization of agricultural waste by vermicomposting 69-73
Bulekbayeva L.E., Iliyin E.A., Erofeeva L.M., Osikeayeva S.O.
Influence of weightlessness on the microstructure of immune tissue cervical lymph nodes of mice in 30 days space flight 74-77
Yesimova A.M., Narymbayeva Z.K., Mutaliyeva B.Zh., Kudasova D.E., Abdullayeva D.N.
Production of biological preparations to improve soil fertility of SKR based on microbial consortia 78-81
Abildaeva R.A., Dauilbai A.D., Rysbaeva G.S.
Methods of preparation of the pet rabbit immune serum revelation toxoplasma 82-87
Kekibaeva A.K.
Stability of suckling lipophilic at the production of milk replacer 88-92
Kudasova D.E., Abdullayeva D.N., Yesimova A.M., Narymbayeva Z.K., Mutaliyeva B.Zh.
Influence silicon of containing preparations on developments and cultivation of vegetable cultures 93-96
Sadanov A.K., Balgimbaeva A.S., Trenozhnikova L.P., Berezin V.E.
Isolation and characterization of “brown impurity” accompanying the antibiotic rozeofungin 97-100
Saduyeva Zh.K., Kuznetsova T.V., Saubenova M.G.
Antifungal activity of milk beverage based kefir fungus 101-104